Art Exhibition Showcases Student Work

December 3, 2015 | by the Office of Marketing and Communications

The accomplishments of all Elmhurst College students enrolled in Fall Term art courses will be highlighted during the Fall Student Art Exhibition, which runs through December 18.

Displayed salon style and entirely filling the walls of the Founders Lounge in the Frick Center, the art represented in this show demonstrates the full range of media produced by art students, including paintings, drawings, printmaking, sculpture, graphic design and digital art.

“This exhibition is a great overview of the work done by students taking art courses either as an art major, a fine art requirement or an elective,” said Elmhurst College Exhibitions Director Suellen Rocca. “I like the very inclusive nature of the exhibition, in which we try to show a work by each student who has participated in an art class this semester.”

The show runs from December 1 through December 18 in the Founders Lounge of the Frick Center. The Frick Center is open days and evenings. The show is free, and the public is welcome.

The Fall Student Art Exhibition is one of roughly a dozen shows that Elmhurst College will present this academic year in three campus venues.

The College also exhibits more than 100 works in its Student Art Collection, which features selected exemplary work purchased from graduating seniors. The collection is on permanent display on the third floor and lower level of the A.C. Buehler Library.

The library also is home to the College’s unparalleled collection of Chicago Imagist and Abstractionist Art, which explores the vibrant, often outrageous, yet precisely crafted works of Chicago artists between 1950 and the present. The collection is displayed throughout the library’s first floor and lower vestibule.

The exhibits are free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Suellen Rocca at (630) 617-6110 or

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