Calendar of Events

Is Democracy Worth Saving?

Frick Center, Prospect Room 190 Prospect Ave, Elmhurst, IL, United States

Homecoming Concert

Hammerschmidt Memorial Chapel 190 Prospect Ave., Elmhurst, IL, United States

Transfer Talk and Tour Week

Jean Koplin Memorial Hall, Office of Admission 190 Prospect Ave., Elmhurst, IL, United States

Meet the Teams

Irion Hall, Buik Recital Hall 190 Prospect Ave, Elmhurst, IL, United States

Fall Open House

Elmhurst University Mall

Connect with #elmhurstu


New school, new team, new fam! Haley Jeske ’27 found her home away from home at Elmhurst, both on the field and in the classroom. Read more about her and other Bluejay experiences at💙⚽