Tuition and Fees

A Stellar Education at an Affordable Cost

We work hard to keep tuition and fees at Elmhurst University within reach. We also offer generous financial aid in the form of scholarships, grants, loans and work-study.

For most Elmhurst students, out-of-pocket costs are much lower than the listed tuition. Payment plans are also available to help you afford a great education.

Find out more about tuition and fees for each of our student populations below.

Program-Specific Tuition and Fees

Your Aid

First-year and transfer student options are available in English and Spanish.


Tuition and fees are determined annually by the University’s Board of Trustees and are subject to change without notice.

Explore More About Costs and Financial Aid

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Congratulations to our Muslim students for successfully completing Ramadan, the month of Fasting, Happy Eid al-Fitr! You deserve a joyous celebration.