Graduate Vouchers

There are a number of free course vouchers available for graduate students. Explore the options below.

The free course vouchers are provided through the Office of Admission. Interested students should contact (630) 617-3400 or [email protected].


Elmhurst University undergraduate alumni have the opportunity to take their first graduate course for free if starting in Spring 2025.

  • Applies to alumni who have received their undergraduate degree from Elmhurst, or graduate students who are completing their second masters at Elmhurst. Note: Students can only receive one alumni graduate voucher.
  • Voucher is non-transferable
  • Applicable on a space-available basis
  • Student must be admitted into an Elmhurst University graduate program or graduate certificate program
  • Only one free graduate course voucher can be used per individual
  • Voucher covers course tuition only; students are responsible for the technology fee

For the Fall 2025 semester, any Elmhurst University alumnus or alumna interested in pursuing a graduate program at Elmhurst will be eligible for new alumni benefits. Reach out to your admission counselor to learn more.

Cooperating Teachers

The Cooperating Teacher Free Course Voucher program grants cooperating teachers with one free graduate course to be taken in the M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership or M.Ed. in Early Childhood Special Education programs at Elmhurst University.

  • Voucher is non-transferable
  • Applicable on a space-available basis*
  • Only graduate-level courses in the Department of Education are eligible to be used with a cooperating teacher voucher
  • Courses are available in the spring, summer and fall terms
  • Only one free course voucher can be used per individual per academic year
  • Voucher must be used within two years of issuance
  • Voucher covers course tuition, textbooks, and course materials, but students are responsible for a technology fee

Learn More About the Voucher

MBA Option

Graduates of certain degree-seeking programs may apply for admission to the MBA Option program. This is a one-year, part-time program leading to a Master of Business Administration (MBA).

M.S. in Computer Information Technology

Graduates of the M.S. in Computer Information Technology (MSCIT) have the opportunity to keep their degree current. MSCIT alumni can take one free graduate MSCIT course each academic year to maintain their skills.

The voucher covers course tuition only. Students are responsible for the technology fee.

Learn More About the Program

  • Voucher is non-transferable
  • Applicable on a space-available basis
  • Only one free course voucher can be used per individual per academic year
  • Voucher covers course tuition only; students are responsible for the technology fee
  • Vouchers are valid for students beginning in or after the Spring 2013 semester, so vouchers will not be given to MCIS alumni who began their program prior to Spring 2013

United Church of Christ (UCC) Voucher

United Church of Christ members who are admitted to a graduate degree or certificate program at Elmhurst University have the opportunity to take their first graduate course for free through the United Church of Christ Free Course Voucher.

  • Voucher is non-transferable.
  • Only one UCC free course voucher can be used per individual and may not be combined with any other free course voucher.
  • Eligible congregation member must be admitted to a master’s degree or graduate certificate program at Elmhurst University.
  • Voucher covers course tuition only. Student is responsible for all course materials and fees.
  • Voucher is not applicable to full time graduate programs in health care.


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