Study Abroad

Take Your Education Global

Studying abroad exposes you to diverse cultures and perspectives, enriching your global understanding and adaptability. It also enhances your personal growth and professional prospects by developing essential skills like independence and cross-cultural communication.


J-termSeptember 15
SpringOctober 1
Spring Break / MayDecember 1
SummerMarch 1
Fall / Academic YearMarch 1


Connect with an advisor

Mallory Marach

Mallory Marach

Associate Director of Global Engagement
Office of Global Engagement

Advises for: Semester study abroad, general study abroad questions

Schedule an appointment

Lucy Bruno, Elmhurst University

Lucy Bruno

Global Engagement Coordinator
Office of Global Engagement

Advises for: Faculty-led study abroad

Schedule an appointment

Photo Gallery

Connect with #elmhurstu


Did you know we have one of the most sophisticated university-owned studios in Illinois on campus? The Gretsch Recording Studio, housed in the basement of Daniels Hall, gives students real-world experience in both music performance and production 🎛️