Institutional Review Board and
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The Elmhurst University Institutional Review Board / Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IRB/IACUC) has been established to protect the rights and welfare of human and animal research subjects recruited to participate in research activities conducted at or sponsored by Elmhurst University.

The IRB evaluates potential risks to human subjects through initial and continuing review of research projects. It has the authority to approve, require modifications in, or disapprove all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction as specified by both the federal regulations (45 CFR Part 46) and local institutional policy.

The primary role of the IACUC is to ensure the humane care and use of animals in research. The IACUC is responsible for ensuring compliance with the regulations of the Public Health Service by reviewing research projects that involve animals, maintaining and enacting procedures for evaluating the institution’s animal care and use, maintaining and enacting an adequate veterinary care program, maintaining and enacting an occupational health and safety program, maintaining and enacting a program for housing and management of animals, and overseeing and inspecting facilities for housing and support of animals as required by law.

Regulations and Guidelines

Educational Resources

Conducting Research with Human Subjects

  • Instruction and Training
    • CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative)
      Elmhurst subscribes to this training program. New users: Choose “Register,” create your account and select Elmhurst University as your institution. If you are already certified through CITI from a different institution, you can add/change your affiliation and transfer your certification.

IRB and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Kathy Sexton-Radek, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology. Chair of the IRB and IACUC
Department of Psychology

Tracy Crump, Elmhurst University

Tracy G. Crump, Ph.D., J.D., LL.M.

Associate Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice
Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice


Melissa Giese, Ph.D.
Doctor of Veterinary of Medicine


Jessica Lamberson, Elmhurst University

Jessica Lamberson, DNP, RNC-OB, CNL

Assistant Professor, Nursing and Health Sciences
Department of Nursing and Public Health

Evan Vanable, Elmhurst University

Evan Vanable, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


Jennifer M.D. Kremkow, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Program Director, M.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders; Associate Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

David W. Brown, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

Thomas Salek, Elmhurst University

Thomas Salek, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Communication
Department of Communication and Media

Kathy Sexton-Radek, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology. Chair of the IRB and IACUC
Department of Psychology

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