
Elmhurst’s full-time psychology faculty is made up of teacher-scholars with a broad range of research interests, ranging from nocturnal headaches to cross-cultural teaching to long-term recall. They are dedicated teachers and accomplished researchers, eager to guide students academically and professionally.

Full-Time Faculty

Carrie Hewitt, M.A.

Dean of the School of Graduate Studies; Assistant Professor, Psychology
Department of Psychology

Kathy Sexton-Radek, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology. Chair of the IRB and IACUC
Department of Psychology

Jessica J. Sim, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Psychology; Program Director, M.A. in I/O Psychology
Department of Psychology

Adjunct Faculty

Mary Dew, Elmhurst University

Mary Dew, M.A.

Adjunct Faculty
Department of Psychology

Lamia Haddad, Ph.D.

Adjunct Faculty, Psychology
Department of Psychology

Dr. James Hull Jr., Ph.D.

Adjunct Faculty, Psychology
Department of Psychology


Yvette Browder

Administrative Assistant, Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Physics and Psychology
Department of Biology

Faculty Emeriti

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As we enter Women’s History Month, we pause to honor the achievements, resilience and impact of women throughout history and in our own community.