Programs of Study

Elmhurst University offers several majors in chemistry and biochemistry, so you can tailor your education to suit your own professional goals.

Each program:

  • Prepares students for a wide variety of careers and advanced study in numerous fields.
  • Begins with a set of core courses, then allows students to choose among different advanced courses to address varying career goals.
  • Relies on a strong foundation of science, where students are challenged to hone their analytical and critical-thinking skills.
  • Teaches students problem-solving skills, laboratory techniques, and technical writing and presentation skills.

Regardless of the major, students graduating with a degree from the department are well-positioned to enter graduate school, work in an industrial or government research laboratory, teach science at the secondary-school level, or begin further education in a health-related field such as medicine, dentistry or veterinary science.



Chemistry majors who are interested in technical sales, marketing or management may add a minor in business administration.

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Lucia Zdenahlik ’25 is proof that dedication + opportunity = impact. From sustainability research to a prestigious internship, she’s shaping her future on achievement at a time! Read her and other student stories at 🌱