Learning Outcomes

In the program, individuals will gain a sound foundation in the technical knowledge necessary in the field of supply chain management.

In addition, students will also develop the skills that are critical for today’s business professional. All coursework maintains a balance between current theory and practical business application. Specifically, the program is designed to provide the individual with the opportunity to:

  • Develop a sound understanding of the important role of supply chain management in today’s business environment
  • Become familiar with current supply chain management trends Understand and apply the current supply chain theories, practices and concepts utilizing case problems and problem-based learning situations
  • Learn to use and apply computer-based supply chain optimization tools including the use of selected state of the art supply chain software suites currently used in business
  • Develop and utilize critical management skills such as negotiating, working effectively within a diverse business environment, ethical decision making and use of information technology
  • Demonstrate the use of effective written and oral communications, critical thinking, team building and presentation skills as applied to business problems
  • Successfully complete a year-long team research or case project concluding with a written and oral presentation of the findings

The program of study is designed to meet the needs of the working adult student seeking an advanced graduate degree in supply chain management. A candidate can complete the 22 different modules including a final project in 21 months meeting one night per week, graduating with a total of 38 semester hours. The program is designed using the cohort model of instruction.

Approximately 20 students per class begin their study in the Fall Term every year, completing all coursework together during the next 21 months. This model of instruction requires that all courses must be taken in the defined sequence. Due to the nature of the cohort groups, any student that either fails or is forced to withdraw from a course will be asked to join another group in the next year’s rotation.

Roby Thomas, Ph.D.

Professor, Supply Chain; Program Director, M.S. in Supply Chain Management; Director, Supply Chain Think Tank
Department of Business and Economics

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