Major in Marketing

The major in marketing prepares students to develop and manage consumer audiences and provide pathways for corporations or organizations to connect their products to consumers or other interested parties.

Graduates of the marketing major will be acquainted with business to business strategies, consumer behavior, global marketing trends, sales and retail management and other strategic and management strategies.

Business Marketing Major Benefits

Career opportunities are boundless, as marketing majors roles in the professional marketplace are as expansive as the marketplace itself.

Another bonus of getting your marketing degree at Elmhurst is its proximity to Chicago. Chicago’s history as a center for marketing provides many opportunities for marketing majors to get a head start in their careers.

Majors complete the core requirements (maintaining a C or better in the core) and five additional courses in either of the two areas of specialization: integrated marketing management or marketing research and consumer insight.

Integrated Marketing Management


  • BUS 439 Integrated Marketing Management Capstone

Take one of these two:

  • BUS 330 Consumer Behavior
  • BUS 333 Marketing Research

And a combination of three full-course credit electives from the following:

  • BUS 330 Consumer Behavior or
    BUS 333 Marketing Research (If not taken as a requirement. Cannot count twice.)
  • BUS 337 Social Media Strategy
  • BUS 338 Digital Inbound Marketing Strategy
  • BUS 375 Capstone Global Business
  • BUS 431 Business-to-Business Professional Selling
  • BUS 432 Science of Retailing and eCommerce
  • BUS 434 Advertising and Integrated Marketing Campaigns
  • BUS 468 Internship
  • A student may also take BUS 470 Seminars in Special Topics or BUS 492 Independent Study as approved by the dean and Marketing Advisor

It is recommended that BUS 330 Consumer Behavior and/or BUS 333 Marketing Research be taken before all other marketing electives.

Marketing Research and Consumer Insights

  • BUS 333 Marketing Research
  • BUS 439 Integrated Marketing Management Capstone

And a combination of three full-course credit electives from these courses:

  • BUS 330 Consumer Behavior
  • BUS 434 Advertising and Integrated Marketing Campaigns
  • BUS 468 Internship
  • BUS 492 Independent Study

It is recommended that BUS 330 Consumer Behavior and/or BUS 333 Marketing Research be taken before all other marketing electives.

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