
Elmhurst’s distinguished business faculty are first and foremost dedicated teachers, but their valuable real-world experience enriches classroom discussions as well.

Our faculty have won numerous awards, written standard texts on business practices, advised Fortune 500 companies and dedicated themselves to teaching the next generation of business leaders.

Learn more about our faculty members.

Vania Adams, M.A.

Assistant Professor, Economics
Department of Business and Economics

Avraham Baranes, Elmhurst University

Avraham Baranes, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Business and Economics

Juan Carlos Barrera, DBA

Associate Professor, International Business
Department of Business and Economics

Business Administration Master's Degree

Lawrence Brown, MBA

Assistant Professor; Program Director, MBA
Department of Business and Economics

Lawrence Carroll, Elmhurst University

Lawrence Carroll, Psy. D.

Professor, Management
Department of Business and Economics

Craig Krenek, CPA, MBA

Assistant Professor, Accounting
Department of Business and Economics

Kortney Peagram, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Management
Department of Business and Economics

Eric Sanders, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Management; Director of the Master of Project Management Program
Department of Business and Economics

Sondra Simpson, Ed.D., MBA

Associate Professor, Marketing; Director, Elmhurst Management Program (Business Adminstration)
Department of Business and Economics

Roby Thomas, Ph.D.

Professor, Supply Chain; Program Director, M.S. in Supply Chain Management; Director, Supply Chain Think Tank
Department of Business and Economics

Robert Vevarig

Bob Vevang, MBA

Assistant Professor, Director, D.K. Hardin Center for Market Research
Department of Business and Economics

Siaw-Peng Wan, Ph.D., CFA

Co-Dean, School of Business; Professor, Finance
Department of Business and Economics

Gary S. Wilson, Ph.D.

Professor, Supply Chain Management
Department of Business and Economics

Shaheen Wolff, MBA

Co-Dean, School of Business; Assistant Professor, Marketing
Department of Business and Economics

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