Getting Started
Whether it’s preparing a paper for a class or a project presentation, completing homework, getting ready for a quiz or test, or reviewing graded quizzes or papers, we are here to help.
- Understand the assignment
- Understand the textbook
- Brainstorm
- Organize
- Revise
However, we will not do your work for you. Our goal is to help you develop strategic knowledge to enable you to be successful not just on one assignment or exam, but on future tasks as well.
Here are some tips for making good use of your tutoring time:
- Come in with questions
- Bring in your book, notes, PowerPoint and/or assignment prompt
- Do not wait until the last minute. Course content, and the process of learning it, can be complicated, so give yourself time to work through the processes required of you.
- Make a commitment, if necessary, to work regularly with our tutors.
- It is OK to meet with different tutors; we want you to find a good match.
Tutors should be seen as part of a team that includes you and your professor.