Russell G. Weigand Center for Professional Excellence

Get a Great Start on Your Future

Are you ready to start planning your career? It’s never too early to lay the groundwork, and it’s never too late, either.

The Russell G. Weigand Center for Professional Excellence (WCPE) will help you identify, shape and define your career goals, and connect you with people and resources to help make your dreams a reality.

The words "Russell G. Weigand Center for Professional Excellence" are shown outside the office space in academic centers that houses Elmhurst College's career center.

Career Education, Resources
and Mentoring

Meet with the career education staff and get guidance from professionals.

Elmhurst University student Aman Dhiman is shown behind the wheel of a blue car.

Internships and Career Experiences

Learn what an internship is and how to land one. From classes to hands-on help, we can support you throughout the process.

Elmhurst College mascot Victor E. Bluejay, seated in a yellow chair, poses with a student during a career center event.

Employers: Connect with
Our Talented Students

Post job openings, recruit on campus and hire a great Bluejay.

Six Elmhurst University students draw and write together on a large whiteboard in a classroom. Elmhurst is promoting entrepreneurship with a new initiative on campus.

The E-celerator

Calling all entrepreneurs! Learn about business innovation and meet our entrepreneur in residence.

A screen shot from a Career Advice on Demand video from Career Spots. Text reads "Career Management is Vital to Success."

Career Advice on Demand

Enjoy 24/7 access to career-building tools such as CareerSpots, Pathway U and StandOut. Find helpful advice whenever you need it.

Handshake Career Portal

This powerful tool lays the foundation for your career. Handshake allows you to:

  • Sign up for career events
  • Request a meeting with the WCPE
  • Search for jobs
  • Research industries
Log in to Handshake

Interested in Studying Abroad?

Studying abroad is an option that many students choose to pursue during their time at Elmhurst. Our Office of Global Engagement (OGE) is happy to work with those interested in pursuing these opportunities.

Join Us at an Upcoming Event

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Keep in Touch

The WCPE team is here to support our students, alumni and community. Please let us know how we can assist you.

Explore Career Services for Alumni

Did you know that Elmhurst University graduates have lifelong access to career services?

Whether you’re just starting out, considering a career transition or looking for new challenges in your field, our alumni services include interview workshops, networking events, career counseling, résumé assistance, and tips on job searching and interviewing.

Alumni can also utilize the Career Transition Center of Chicago (CTC) at a preferred partner rate. The CTC provides assistance for recent college graduates and mid-career professionals. Clients can select from in-person coaching and services or working with a coach by phone/Skype in the Virtual Services Program.

About the WCPE

Our Mission

To prepare our students and alumni for an ever-changing world, we ignite their professional curiosity, competencies and purpose.

Our Values

In the spirit of the University’s motto of “in lumine tuo videbimus lumen—in thy light we shall see light,” we pledge to conduct our work in a collaborative environment built on inclusion, respect, and integrity.


Colleges of Distinction 2022-2023 Career Development BadgeThe WCPE has been recognized by Colleges of Distinction for excellence in career development. “The Career Development recognition goes beyond a job board and résumé writing,” said Tyson Schritter, chief operating officer at Colleges of Distinction. “Elmhurst University has shown inventiveness in connecting with students throughout their academic careers and beyond. Students and graduates are fully supported by Elmhurst’s outstanding career center.”

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We're about ready for real Spring to come around already😤


Feeling lucky to be part of such an amazing community! 🍀💙 Our Bluejays showed up in full force at the Elmhurst St. Patrick’s Day Parade, bringing the spirit, the smiles and plenty of Elmhurst pride!