Chicago’s Immigration Policy Chief to Give Chavez Lecture on Sept. 21

September 1, 2022 | by the Office of Marketing and Communications

Nubia WillmanAs first deputy for community engagement in Chicago’s Office of the Mayor and director of the city’s Office of New Americans, Nubia Willman is responsible for immigration policy and programming throughout Chicago to ensure that the city remains a welcoming one.

On Wednesday, Sept. 21, Willman will present “There is No Line: Demystifying Our Complex Immigration System,” this year’s César Chavéz Intercultural Lecture at Elmhurst University.

Willman’s work includes leading Chicago’s census efforts and working with community stakeholders to increase services and access for immigrant and refugee communities. In 2021 the national, bipartisan immigration research and advocacy organization New American Economy named Chicago the most welcoming city for immigrants in the United States.

Prior to joining the mayor’s office, Willman, who also is an attorney, worked at Legal Aid Chicago, where she supervised the immigration project in the Immigrants and Workers’ Rights Practice Group. She represented survivors of gender-based crimes, migrant workers, human trafficking survivors, and low-wage workers seeking immigration and employment relief.

The César Chavéz Intercultural Lecture will begin at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 21, in the Frick Center, Founders Lounge. Admission is free and all are welcome to attend.

For more information and to RSVP to this event, visit our Cultural Season page. If you have a question, email [email protected].

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