Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
CPT is an opportunity for F-1 students to learn practical skills related to their majors while studying at Elmhurst University.
It requires off-campus work authorization that may be obtained from ISS. You must receive academic credit for the work experience for which you request authorization. CPT is not designed for long-term, continuous employment, but instead is meant for short-term academic related training and experience.
Please Note:
- Engaging in 12 months of full-time CPT prohibits you from participating in OPT.
- CPT is authorized for one semester at a time. Students wishing to continue their off-campus employment opportunity must meet all eligibility criteria and submit a new application for authorization for each semester in which they meet all eligibility requirements.
- Do not begin CPT employment prior to the authorized start date and end your CPT employment by the authorized end date. Working outside of your authorized dates can cause the loss of F-1 status.
Common forms of employment and off-campus experiential employment that require CPT include, but are not limited to:
- Employment directly related to your academic major
- A paid or unpaid internship
- A Cooperative (co-op) education experience
- Participation in a Practicum, Clinicals, or Student Teaching
Click each of the below sections to access and review pertinent information.
Students on active F-1 status are eligible for CPT when they meet the following requirements:
- Have completed one year (two semesters) of full-time academic study
- Are making normal academic progress
- Have obtained a job/internship offer letter for an experience directly related to their academic program prior to requesting CPT authorization
- Are registered for a CPT eligible course for your given academic level and program
- Part-time CPT is 20 hours per week or less.
- Full-time CPT is over 20 hours a week.
- Full-time CPT is only an option during a vacation or break (J-Term and Summer semester)
Changes to CPT
- Any changes to your CPT (shortening CPT, extending CPT within a semester, or canceling CPT) must be discussed with a DSO/PDSO prior to taking action.
Course Registration
- As CPT is curricular training, you need to be registered in a CPT eligible course for your academic program prior to receiving CPT authorization from ISS. CPT eligible courses are determined by the Dean of each academic department, are major/program specific, and integral to the completion of your academic program. Please choose the appropriate list below based on your degree level to find the CPT eligible course(s) for your major/academic program:
- Must be directly related to your major/academic program. Your Academic Advisor/Program Director will review your employment offer letter to verify.
- CPT is authorized for one semester (the duration of the corresponding course) and requires a new authorization for each applicable semester after.
- You are able to request start and end dates outside of the semester as long as:
- It is specified in your employment offer letter and
- The dates do not overlap the semester prior to or after the semester in which your CPT eligible course occurs.
- Do not start CPT employment prior to the designated start date or continue past the designated end date on your CPT authorization.
Prior to submitting your CPT application
- Discuss CPT eligibility with a DSO/PDSO
- Obtain a job offer that is directly related to your major/academic program
- Register for a CPT eligible course within your major/academic program
- Undergraduate CPT eligible courses list
- Graduate CPT eligible courses list
- Students are able to petition to use a non-identified course for CPT authorization. Dean approval for a course to be eligible for CPT must be granted prior to submitting your CPT application and email confirmation will be required to be submitted as an attachment. This is case-by-case and a rare exception; the pre-determined CPT eligible courses are the norm for CPT authorization.
Submitting your CPT application
- Log-in to MyElmhurst Portal
- Click the Etrieve Forms app
- Log-in to Etrieve Forms via Okta (blue circle icon)
- Click the CPT I-20 Request Form
- Complete all sections of the student form
- Make sure to:
- Identify the appropriate CPT eligible course based on your degree level, academic major, and course registration
- As noted above, if you successfully petitioned to utilize a course not on the list, please attached your academic program Dean’s authorization email the application
- Attach your employment offer letter
- Make sure to:
- Click “submit” when your application is complete and all required documents are attached
- Your Academic Advisor (as assigned by academic major) will receive a notification to complete the Academic Verification section of the form to do the following:
- Review your application for academic program accuracy
- Confirm that you are in the identified CPT eligible course
- Review and confirm that your employment opportunity is directly related to your academic major
- ISS will receive the completed form to provide a final review and confirm course enrollment.
- If all CPT eligibility requirements are met, a DSO will authorize CPT for the requested semester on your SEVIS record and you will receive your CPT authorized I-20 via email.
CPT Application & Authorization Notes
- If your application is incomplete, incorrectly filled out, or you do not meet eligibility for any reason, it will be denied. Applications can be denied at any point in the application review process.
- It is your responsibility to make sure your application is accurate and fully processed. You should notify your Academic Advisor/Program Director about your CPT application and follow up as needed.
- Please do not begin CPT employment prior to the authorized start date and end your CPT employment by the authorized end date. Working outside of your authorized dates can cause the loss of F-1 status.
- It is advised to apply for CPT at least one month prior to your requested start date to allow time to request and obtain an SSN if you do not already have one (required for paid opportunities). You can review how to apply for an SSN utilizing your CPT I-20 here.