Nicholas Behm
Nicholas Behm, Ph.D.
Professor and Department Chair, English; Director, Center for Scholarship and Teaching
Ph.D., Arizona State University
Nicholas Behm received his Ph.D. in Rhetoric, Composition, and Linguistics and prior to that received his Master’s degree in British and American literature from Marquette University. At Elmhurst College, he teaches first-year composition, rhetorical theory, and business and technical writing courses. He also frequently teaches in the Honors Program.
He publishes and presents scholarship that complicates composition pedagogy and theory, writing assessment, and critical race theory. With Greg Glau, Deborah Holdstein, Duane Roen, and Ed White, he is co-editor of The WPA Outcomes Statement—A Decade Later, which won the 2013 “Best Book Award” from the Council of Writing Program Administrators. With Duane Roen and Sherry Rankins-Robertson, he is co-editor of The Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing: Scholarship and Applications. He is a former member of the CWPA Executive Board and served on the committee charged with revising the CCCC Statement on Preparing Teachers of College Writing.