Elmhurst Partners to Offer Professional Development Courses

March 17, 2015 | by the Office of Marketing and Communications

In March and April, Elmhurst College’s corporate training division, Elmhurst Partners, will offer local business professionals several opportunities to learn more about using Microsoft Excel®.

On Wednesday, March 18, the Lunch & Learn program Improving Microsoft Excel® Skills will demonstrate some of the tools that can help users tap into the capabilities of Excel®. The discussion will be led by Elmhurst College Professor of Business Siaw Peng Wan, whose expertise is in the use of Internet technologies and business strategies. The Lunch & Learn will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and the $10 fee includes a box lunch.

Beginning on April 1, the Elmhurst Partners Series Microsoft Excel® will more fully explore Excel®. The hands-on, non-credit professional development courses are offered from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. over four Wednesdays, from April 1 to April 22. Participants can take individual courses or the entire series; the cost is $400 for the series or $125 per course. Led by Professor Wan, the courses cover these topics:

  • Efficiency Tips and Tricks (April 1): Learn to perform tasks more efficiently and effectively using selected keyboard shortcuts, built-in features and tools.
  • Organizing and Extracting Information from Data (April 8): Learn how to organize your data with Excel® Table and how to extract information from data using filters, together with summary measures and conditional formatting.
  • Summarizing Data with PivotTable (April 15): Learn how to use PivotTable to analyze your data by comparing and contrasting subgroups within your data set, and how to generate tables for results.
  • Automating Tasks with Formulas and Functions (April 22): Learn how to use selected Microsoft Excel® functions (such as IF and VLOOKUP) to create formulae, together with dynamic drop-down lists, that will automate selected tasks.

All Elmhurst Partners events take place in a flexible, high-tech corporate training classroom at 180 W. Park Ave., Suite 255, in Elmhurst.

Elmhurst Partners was established to assist businesses with their professional development needs by drawing on the considerable resources and expertise of Elmhurst College. Elmhurst Partners’ services range from tailored academic programs to customized professional development courses.

For details on the professional development series or to learn more about Elmhurst Partners, visit our website or contact Tracy Tomasetti at (630) 617-5997 or [email protected].

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